Monday, July 4, 2011


Constructing the Cabin Top was the same process as strip planking the hull. Each piece fashioned to fit over the stations and sit flat on the foredeck, the extra foam cut off neatly so the underside could be glassed.

The cockpit sole itself had to be preglassed since the foam itself had holes all through it and each one of them filled. 
Small nails were used here to attach the strips to the stations. This much was done in one day and all peices fixed in the next day. Taping them together made sure that the peices lay flush and no gaps appeared due to tension and warping. Each strip beveled slightly to fit snug together keeping the structure strong and minimal glue required.
Once the foredeck and blister had been faired and all little holes and cracks filled, glassing commenced on the fore-deck to the bulkhead at station 7. Uni-directional carbon tape laid into a 50mm rebate and glassed on with ADR/ADH resin and hardener at a 4:1 ratio. 15mm glass plate at the top creates a strong shelf for the mast to stand on, and the carbon strips reach through the deck and transfer the forced to the hull mirrored as you see here. When the blister was being glassed I had to make a seal underneath since there was a hole where the tape went through as shown below.

The underside of the deck and carbon uni, a mirror of the top.

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